Rory Miller Blog: Classifications of Violence and Conflict 

Info via de Blog van Rory Miller. 

0: Introduction 

So, this is lesson zero. Which means an introduction. …

1: Conflict vs. Violence 

I’ll try, but the language won’t always be clear.  As a default, I will probably use the word fight when I mean assault or counter-assault, and things like that.  But the blending of violence and conflict is huge.  It is not a division, nor is it a precise scalar. ….

2: The first underlying model 

The idea is simple.  If you are in danger of dying—starving, thirsty, sick or about to be killed and eaten– that is your highest priority.  Until you have taken care of your immediate survival needs you don’t give a damn, and you don’t waste resources, on anything else. … 

2.1: The second underlying model 

Again, this is adapted from the upcoming Conflict Communications book. …

3: Survival Violence

I’m going to explore some of the different mindsets of violence ….

3.1. Security level violence

I want you to do a thought experiment.  Relax, take a deep breath, and answer a few questions. …

3.2. Self actualized violence

Quick Maslow recap:The basic idea is that there are five states or levels of struggle.  Each level must be addressed in order. …

4: Social Violence Overview

Like most predatory species, humans have two distinctive modes of violence. …

5: Monkey Dance

“What you lookin’ at?” barks a young man. …

6: Group Monkey Dance

In May, 2003 developmentally disabled 22-year-old Jessica Williams was tortured, stabbed, beaten and her body burned by her ‘street family’ for alleged betrayal. …

7: Educational BeatDown

All societies, subsocieties and groups have rules. …

8: Status Seeking Show

In Orson Scott Card’s “Ender’s Game” a young Ender in his first fight escalates the event to a brutal beating as a warning to others. …

9: Asocial Overview

10: Resource Predators

For the Process Predator the act of violence is the reason itself. …

11: Process Predators

Resource Predator wants something and has decided to get it from his victim. …

12: Identifying  Danger

Violence serves a purpose.  Multiple purposes, actually. …

12.1 Adrenaline signs, skilled and unskilled

Most people can’t fight ‘cold’. …

12.2 You

Classifications of Violence 12 is about threat assessment. …

12.3 Terrain

I’ll be winging this.  Terrain is, literally, a big topic and I know I can just touch on it in a blog post. …

12.4 Distinguishing social and asocial

There might be one more in this series, might have to write about time and distance. …

13: Comfort Levels (may go earlier in the lesson plan)

Source:  chirontraining
